Lifelong Learning

Memory mastery comes from repeated exposure to new material. In order to learn something, you need to retrieve it from memory again and again.

Choices and priorities.

It is easy to be drawn towards passive entertainment, which requires less from us, over more energetic, active understanding.

Inconvenience might be an alibi: “I don’t have time for continuous learning as I am too busy with real life”. But that excuse doesn’t withstand close scrutiny, as experiences and reflection can be the richest of all sources of investigation and discovery.

Why not make a conscious decision to learn something new every day? No matter how small the daily learning, it is significant when aggregated over a lifetime.

Choosing lifelong learning is one of the few good choices that can make a big difference in our lives, giving us an enormous advantage when practiced over a long period of time.


The ignorant man can’t learn from his own mistake and the fool can’t learn from the mistakes of others.

These are the primary ways we learn:

  1. Through our own experiences
  2. Through the experiences of others.


Many read for entertainment. Some read for information. Too few read for understanding.

“Reading is the foundation of indirect learning.” - Endersen